Appalling Brooklyn Familicide ANOTHER Case Of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome. MSM To Call For Knife Control?

By Peter Brimelow


The MSM never says directly, but it took’s crack investigators even less time than usual to establish that Saturday night’s appalling familicide is a case of Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome:

A woman and four children — the youngest an 18-month-old boy — were stabbed to death Saturday night in a rampage at a Brooklyn apartment, officials said …

The unidentified suspect — who sources said may be related to the children — was reportedly found inside the apartment when cops burst in on the grim scene … .

“The father was freaking out,” said neighbor May Chan. “He just came home from work and saw the police and they told him. He was hysterical.”

Police had to break the bitter news to the parent through a Chinese interpreter, she said.

Brooklyn mass stabbing leaves 5 dead, many of them children, By AND NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, October 26, 2013. Emphases added.

We're working on updating our count but as of August 8, 2012, it stood at more than 40 cases over some 45 years, with 411 dead. There have been several more since then (see here and here).

UPDATE: The New York Post reports:

A 25-year-old suspect — preliminarily identified as the children’s mentally troubled older cousin — was arrested after being subdued at the scene, his feet bare and soaked in blood … .Police identified the victims as 1-year-old William Zhuo, a 5-year-old Kevin Zhuo, a 7-year-old Amy Zhuo, 9-year-old Linda Zhuo and 37-year-old Qiao Zhen Li.

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