Ask Byron York If He Regrets NR’s Support For Bush
Peter Gadiel writes me this morning: "Were and I 'ahead of the curve' with the article calling for impeaching George II?" Peter, whose June 2 article was bluntly titled A 9/11 Father, Lifelong Republican, Says: Time To Impeach Bush Over Immigration, was referring to Sunday’s Washington Post piece by National Review’s Byron York: Base To Bush: It’s Over (July 8, 2007). Peter notes that York quotes a "conservative strategist" as saying that Bush and his party’s base are "in divorce court".WaPo is hosting an online forum with York today at noon ET. I invite friends to join in and ask York if he now regrets NR’s slavish support for Bush. Perhaps significantly, in view of our debate about how seriously to take NR’s welcome return to immigration patriotism, York seems to rank not pardoning Scooter Libby above amnesty as a base-busting Bush blunder.