Assuming They Don’t Have Spaceships, It Should Work Fine

By James Fulford


This from Jane Galt’s site:

July 9, 2007 From the desk of Jane Galt:

Insight into a troubled mind

At the top of the Volokh Conspiracy queue in my RSS reader is Jonathan Adler’s post headlined "Fencing Out Aliens:"

My thought upon reading this: "But they have spaceships. They'll just fly over the fence."

In my defense, I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.

A commenter defends the workability of a fence here, saying

It is interesting to me that those most against a fence vehemently deny the likelihood that it could possibly work (Great and Berlin Walls be damned), dismissing it for cost and efficacy.

But to the extent illegals are not using their spaceships or hopping cargo ships, then tackling the major entry point would seem to make sense. No matter the draw (jobs or benefits), you can’t sneak your way through a solid wall manned by a combination of people, dogs, radar, electronics, and tanks.

If this is quickly or simultaneously followed by onerous penalties on business, the tide would halt.

And if you're interested, Adler’s original post wasn’t about the border at all, it’s about the fence the Corp of Engineers built to keep Asian carp out of Lake Michigan.

Update:A commenter writes

The Republicans have now forfeited the Asian Carp Vote for all time!

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