BREITBART: Amnesty Hurting Obama; Pro-Amnesty Donors Corrupting GOP
H/T One Old Vet
Significantly, the Drudge Report has featured all day Public Revolts Against Obama, Political Establishment’s Amnesty Efforts by Matthew Boyle 10 Nov 2013. (Beware annoying audio imbed).
This is another in a series of high value-added essays by Boyle
According to new national polling data from Pew Research, the American people have revolted against President Barack Obama’s and the GOP establishment’s efforts to grant amnesty to America’s at least 11 million illegal immigrants…
“Only about a third of the public (32%) approves of the job Obama is doing on immigration policy; 60% disapprove,” Pew wrote…
Obama’s 60 percent disapproval rating on immigration from the American people is an all-time high for him on the issue and puts him on par with former President George W. Bush’s immigration polling numbers.
As the American people have learned more and more about the Gang of Eight bill and the effects which amnesty and a drastic influx of millions of new workers would have on the hurting economy, they have grown more and more outraged
In a further demonstration of how seismic the fracturing of the GOP has become, Boyle directs his harshest judgments at the Republican Establishment
As Obama’s disapproval ratings reach all-time highs because of his support for amnesty, Republicans keep the issue alive … the effort to grant amnesty from House GOP leadership is alive and well — and likely to continue in early 2014.
Officials like Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus and House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) keep offering Obama cover by continuing to push for some kind of immigration package. In an interview this week with Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, Priebus continued pushing for amnesty.
Boyle does not shrink from naming the reason:
House GOP leadership could technically kill this once and for all by promising publicly …there will never be a conference committee with the Senate bill. However, they have left the door open, as pressure from lobbyists and groups funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros ratchet up pressure on House Republicans to pass an amnesty.
If such legislation as the Gang of Eight bill were ever to become law, it would be considered President Obama’s signature second-term legislative achievement …Republicans like Priebus and Ryan are helping him achieve it, at least for now — largely because the donor community on Wall Street wants this policy.
( emphasis)
He concludes with completely justified applause for the stance of Senator Jeff Sessions who
…offers a different pathway forward for the GOP: flip this whole debate on its head, undercut amnesty, and make the Democrats wear the blame for having fought against the interests of American workers. is delighted to see this forthright explication of the role of money in causing Conservatism Inc’s nation-destroying posture.