Burger King Fires American Employee For Blowing Whistle On Its Hiring Illegals

By Federale


Burger King (contact it) is in the news because of its close association with illegal immigration and discrimination against Americans and whites. A now- former employee exposed BK’s hiring policy and was fired for his efforts.

Burger King Now Hiring: Must Be Mexican

A local dope-smoking rock station was in high dudgeon about the sign, and not because of the election of a new people:

Burger King said Wednesday that a viral photo circulating on the Internet showing a franchise’s “Now Hiring Must Be Mexican” sign is old and was dealt with “last summer.”

The popular fast food franchise declined to disclose the location of the sign, but told The Blaze it was posted by a disgruntled employee.

“The signage in question took place at a franchisee owned and operated restaurant,” Burger King said in an email. “The signage was unauthorized and posted briefly and photographed last summer by a former restaurant employee.”

‘Now Hiring Must Be Mexican’: Burger King Reveals Important Details Behind That Sign Going Viral, The Blaze, November 13, 2013 by Oliver Darcy

And BK is more concerned about diversity and inclusion, than about hiring Americans.

“We have been informed by the franchisee that immediate actions were taken to terminate the employee responsible,” the fast food company added. “BKC has a long history of dedication to diversity and inclusion. Diversity is a driving force behind both our innovation and an inclusive environment for our people — employees, franchisees, suppliers and restaurant guests alike.”

The local dope smoking rockers immediately went into high dudgeon whining about racism, and not the racism of the Slave Power and its discrimination against whites and Americans.

KFFM.com November 11, 2013 by John Riggs (Long-Haired, Maggot-Infested, Dope-Smoking FM Rock 'N' Roller Type)

Update: Disgruntled Employee Posted Racist Burger King Sign — Was Immediately Fired

Update: Burger King posted this on their official Facebook page.

edit: Upon looking at the Google Maps image of the Burger King in Ephrata, I have reason to believe this photo was not taken at that location as previously mentioned to us.

As it turns out, this was posted by a disgruntled employee and was immediately terminated for his/her actions.

Worse though is that the Slave Power was up and running with the back handed admission that the sign poster, allegedly one Larry Camden, was correct.

As countless Americans struggle to find work, many can’t help but wonder — is the search all the more difficult because of competition with immigrants? The conflict may be irrelevant at times, but here appears to be an instance when the role of immigration in the workforce was forced under the spotlight. "Now Hiring Must Be Mexican," a billboard outside a Burger King in Ephrata, Washington, recently read, as was reported by local radio station KFFM …

Either way, as AOL Jobs has reported, the large school of academic research on the subject maintains the effect of immigrants on America’s jobs landscape to be largely negligible. As Pia Orrenius, a senior economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, previously explained to AOL Jobs, every 10 percent increase of foreign-born workers in a region leads to a 1 percent change in the average wages of the legal residents. And the statistic holds true for skilled workers as well, she said.

Why is that? For starters, many immigrants occupy jobs many Americans would simply rather not take. And with new arrivals doing much of the grunt work, other workers are allowed to specialize in a field, allowing them to thrive. Finally, the so-called "immigration surplus" holds that the economy must benefit from the uptick in the use of goods and services by the new arrivals. And so in the long run the impact of immigrant labor on native-born workers' wages is a "wash," according to Orrenius.

Burger King Worker Fired For Sign Saying, 'Now Hiring Must Be Mexican', by Dan Fastenberg, AOL.com November 13, 2013

This, of course, is nonsense. The consensus among economists is that concerns of low-skilled Americans are real, and they are rightly concerned about the wage impact of immigration.

And we do know that Burger King is a major consumer of illegal immigrants.

WILMINGTON, Del. — Twenty-seven illegal aliens who worked at seven area Burger King restaurants were arrested in New Castle County on Wednesday, August 13 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) special agents.

The arrests two weeks ago resulted from ICE worksite enforcement investigation that stemmed from I-9 audits of the company’s employment records. The seven restaurants are owned by Dar Mel Inc.

"Employment is a strong magnet for illegal immigration across our nation’s borders," said John P. Kelleghan, special agent in charge of the ICE Office of Investigations in Philadelphia. "ICE worksite enforcement operations send a powerful message to employers and illegal aliens alike that we will aggressively enforce our nation’s immigration laws. ICE also stands ready to assist employers in efforts to ensure that they have a legal workforce … "

Among those arrested, were nationals of Mexico (26) and El Salvador (1).

27 Illegal Aliens Working At Seven Delaware Burger King Restaurants Arrested By ICE, ICE Press Release August 13, 2008

ICE should check out Burger King like it successfully checked out Chipotle.

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