New Motto For New Hampshire: "Live PC Or 30 Years In Prison"?

By Patrick Cleburne


NH motto

Obsolete? Or Prophetic?

H/T Refugee Resettlement Watch, for NH man charged with writing racist graffiti on refugee home could get up to 30 years which initially alerted me to this atrocity:

From AP at the San Francisco Chronicle:

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The lawyer for a New Hampshire man charged with penning racist graffiti on the homes of African refugee families has entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

Raymond Stevens, 42, of Pembroke was scheduled to be arraigned on a felony criminal mischief charge… Stevens was arrested Oct. 15 and charged with writing hateful messages in black permanent marker on the homes of four refugee families in the same Concord neighborhood in 2011 and 2012. He is free on $8,000 bond …

If convicted, Stevens faces 10 to 30 years in prison because police say the crime was motivated by hostility toward the victims’ race and national origin.

As I understand it, this ludicrously disproportionate situation has arisen because the writing of graffiti on private property is a technical breach of law, opening the way for New Hampshire’s Political Police to inflate the prospective penalty to a crazy size. Paul Craig Roberts predicted exactly this for us in Record Shows "Hate Crimes Prevention Bill" Will Suppress Speech This case has now taken an even worse turn because Stevens, facing certain legal fee-driven impoverishment quite apart from life imprisonment, has quite rationally shot himself: Raymond Stevens, Tattoo Artist Linked To Racist Graffiti Via Gun Permit, Attempts Suicideby Hunter Stewart The Huffington Post 11/15/2013

Now what Stevens is alleged to have written was completely reasonable, if blunt:

You are not welcome here This town was a wonderful crime free place for hundreds of years, Your subhuman culture has already brought many crimes linked to your mud people. We are sick of paying for you to live here. Go back to your hell and leave us alone….

Observe: No threat of violence (much less any actual violence). Not even any obscenity.

These comments are largely warranted as I noted in Documented: Refugees Stressing New Hampshire. Refugee Resettlement Watch has a compendium on the subject.

The fact is that free speech is an almost exclusively Anglo-Saxon tradition. Obviously parliamentary government is meaningless without it.

But to those now running America’s Minority Occupation Government the concept is alien and intolerable, as Kevin MacDonald has written. In the (fraudulently promoted) 2009 Hate Crimes Bill debate Senator Feinstein explicitly exulted in getting the power to repress opposition to excessive immigration — which is exactly what has happened here in New Hampshire.

Last night’s Today’s Letter asked

Is this even America?

Answer: It is not the American’s America.

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