By their fruits …
Twelve of the 46 Republican Senators voted for cloture on S.1639 today. That is, in support of a bill which would very likely have set the seal on America’s transformation into a Third World Spanish-speaking slum. They deserve to be remembered. Most have been noticed by in the past.
Robert Bennett Utah
Larry Craig Idaho
Lindsey Graham South Carolina
Judd Gregg New Hampshire
Chuck Hagel Nebraska
Jon Kyl Arizona
Trent Lott Mississippi
Richard Lugar Indiana
Mel Martinez Florida
John McCain Arizona
Olympia Snowe Maine
Arlen Specter Pennsylvania
Special mention should be made of Sam Brownback, of Kansas, who first voted for cloture and then changed his mind on seeing it was losing. (Hat tip, A Certain Slant of Light)
In time it will become clear how the very considerable credit due to those patriots who defeated this measure should be apportioned. Alabama’s Jeff Sessions was clearly a hero. So, refreshingly, was South Carolina’s Jim DeMint, barely featured here in the past.