California High School Diversity
The wages of diversity are about to be felt again in California schools — nearly 100,000 seniors (about 22 percent of the statewide class) have failed the exit exam required to graduate. Big embarrassment, since the dumbed-down quiz only tests on eighth-grade math skills and literacy at the 10th-grade level.
Serious people realize that the state is becoming more third-worldly and less educated every day. How many illiterate Mexican dishwashers does an economy need?
Naturally the Sacramento Bee ["State education officials get an earful"] has to include a heart-tugging sniffler:
Madai Alarcon Robles, a 17-year-old senior at Pathways Charter High School in San Jose, spoke of the difficulty the exam poses for students learning English. "I been here for 10 years," she said. "I have to work. I can speak English, but I can’t understand all the English. I have a hard time spelling."
Meanwhile, Asian immigrant kids study hard and do well academically. But why can’t Juan learn?