Can Someone — Anyone — Please Investigate Catholic Charities? Or Prosecute Them? Or Sue Them?
By Anonymous Attorney
Catholic Charities is importing criminals into the United States.
For this lovely contribution, they get millions in federal taxpayer dollars.
The "refugees" they import are clogging up the criminal justice system in America.
This needs to stop.
In the meantime, I'd like to know the extent of the problem. I'd like to know how they get away with it. I'd like to know how much they're costing us.
I doubt they'll be open to the idea that they themselves are co-conspirators: they surely consider themselves to be doing God’s work.
But there are so many opportunities here to expose a scandal, I'd like to just do some blogstorming/dreaming:
- A member of Congress calls for an investigation. To keep things kosher, this Congressman happens to be a practicing Catholic. The investigation commences and is widespread, reaching across the country and includes the subpoena-ing of Catholic Charities officials, federal officials, police, prosecutors, local politicians and crime victims. In the end it’s determined that Catholic Charities should, at the very least, be denied any federal funding. Congress votes it so.
- A major newspaper launches an investigation with a team of reporters. They dig it all up, including the sobbing accounts of crime victims and the exasperated sighs of those who must deal with the problems created by the "refugees". Peter Brimelow is quoted (OK, this is the "dreaming" part).
- A victim of crime or their relatives file a lawsuit, naming Catholic Charities as a liable party because they knew or should have known that they were importing dangerous people into the U.S. and did nothing to prevent the situation. Come on, slimy personal injury attorneys — be creative!
- A state attorney general launches a civil prosecution against Catholic Charities, aiming to recoup for her state all the money it’s had to spend dealing with refugee-caused problems in schools, the criminal justice system, hospitals, etc.
I’m sure other religious do-gooders are involved in this mess.
The problem is that it’s not really "charity" if you're just transferring a problem to someone else, i.e., the rest of America. Does Catholic Charities step in to assist victims of the criminals they import? Do they foot the bill for the special education needed in the local school district for the non-English-speaking refugee children? Shouldn’t a journalist somewhere be asking these questions?
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