Census: Proportion of Immigrants in America Is Approaching Record High

By Brenda Walker


The replacement of traditional American people continues briskly, according to Census projections out to 2060. In the near term, the US population will reach a record high percentage of immigrants in 2023, just eight years from today.

The Center for Immigration Studies issued an analysis of the Census report which includes the chart below:


The 13-page Census report, titled Projections of the Size and Composition of the U.S. Population: 2014 to 2060, contains a graph showing the total population as well as the foreigner component. Note that the government demographers estimate an additional 100 million residents in just 45 years.


The future America planned by elites will be more crowded and therefore regulated, because order must be enforced to prevent chaos among the increasingly diverse population. Plus, Americans will experience more pavement, less open space and more water shortages. It sounds stressful, but Happy Belated Earth Day anyway!

And there will be plenty of cheap workers, not that they will be needed, given the revolutionary levels of automation and robotics now taking place in US workplaces.

Immigrant Population to Hit Highest Percentage Ever in 8 Years, Center for Immigration Studies, April 2015

U.S. Census Bureau: 1 in 7 U.S. residents will be foreign-born

While they did not receive much attention when they were released last month, new projections from the Census Bureau show the enormous impact of immigration on the U.S. population. For the first time, the Bureau projected the future size of the immigrant (foreign-born) population and found that by 2023 immigrants will account for more than one in seven U.S. residents (51 million) — the largest share ever recorded in American history. Driven largely by legal immigration, not illegal immigration, the immigrant population will grow to nearly one in five U.S. residents (78 million) by 2060, the Bureau projects. The total U.S. population will grow to almost 417 million — 108 million more than in 2010.

Among the Census Bureau findings:

? Total net immigration (the difference between the number coming and going) will increase steadily over the next four and one-half decades, totaling 64 million.

? Absent a change in current policy, the Census Bureau projects that in 2023 the nation’s immigrant population (legal and illegal) will reach 14.8 percent (51 million) of the total U.S. population — the highest share ever recorded in American history.

? The bureau also projects that the immigrant population will grow nearly four times faster than the native-born population, reaching 15.8 percent (57 million) of nation’s population in 2030, 17.1 percent (65 million) in 2040 and 18.8 percent (78 million) in 2060.

? To place these numbers into historical context, as recently as 1990, immigrants were 7.9 percent (20 million) of the total U.S. population.

? The nation’s total population will grow to 417 million by 2060 — 108 million more than in 2010. This increase is roughly equivalent to adding the combined populations of California, Texas, New York, Florida and Massachusetts to the country.

? The new projections indicate that immigrants who will arrive in the future, absent a change in immigration policy, plus their descendants will account for roughly three-fourths of future U.S. population increase.

Other interesting findings in the projections show the rapid aging of the immigrant population. In 2015 immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the population 65 and older, roughly equal to their share of overall population. But by 2060 there will be 25.3 million immigrants in this age group accounting for 26 percent of all persons over 65.

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