Census Says We’ll Hit 51 Million Immigrants In 8 Years, Accounting For 81% Of Population Growth
But remember, this will have absolutely no negative impact on education, health care, infrastructure, crime, politics …
Legal and illegal immigrants will hit a record high of 51 million in just eight years and eventually account for an astounding 82 percent of all population growth in America, according to new U.S. Census figures.A report from the Center for Immigration Studies that analyzed the statistics said that by 2023, one in seven U.S. residents will be an immigrant, rising to one in five by 2060 when the immigrant population totals 78 million.
[Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, will account for 82% of US growth, by Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, April 22, 2015]
Some more highlights from the CIS report:
- The immigrant population will grow four times faster than the native born population, reaching 15.8 percent, or 57 million, of the nation’s population in 2030, 17.1 percent, or 65 million, in 2040, and 18.8 percent, or 78 million, in 2060.
- Net immigration this year will be 1.24 million; green cards about 1.1 million.
- Immigrants and their descendants "will account for the overwhelming share of population growth," said the Center in projecting growth. They will account for 75.5 percent from 2010-2050 and 82 percent from 2010-2060.
- Census Bureau projects that in 2023 the nation’s immigrant population, legal and illegal, will reach 14.8 percent of the total U.S. population, the highest share ever recorded.