Charleston Disgruntled Minority Shooter Update: AP Says Motivation "Not Racism" — Doesn’t Say Race Of Shooter Or Victim
This is the AP’s update on the story I blogged earlier: Disgruntled Minority–Active Shooter In Charleston Reportedly “Older Black Man”, Kitchen Employee, Who Said “I Am The New King Of Charleston.”
Charleston hostage situation over; disgruntled employee shot by policeCharleston Police sent SWAT teams and a bomb disposal unit to the area
Police gather near the scene of a reported shooting in Charleston, S.C., on Thursday, Aug.24, 2017. Authorities say a disgruntled employee shot one person and is holding hostages in a restaurant in an area that is popular with tourists. Mayor John Tecklenburg said at a news conference that the shooting was not an act of terrorism or racism.
By The Associated Press, Denver Post, August 24, 2017
I don’t know how they figure that, since they're saying nothing about the race of either the shooter or the victim. The earlier story said it was a middle-aged black man dressed as a kitchen employee, this story says it was a
dishwasher who had been fired [who] came back to the restaurant and shot a chef to get revenge.
But if we know the shooter is black, we'd need to know that the chef was also black to be sure it’s not racism.
The only part of the story that does mention race is this historical note about a two-year old crime:
The site is a few blocks away from Emanuel AME church, where nine black members of a church were killed by a white man during a June 2015 Bible study. Dylann Roof was sentenced to death in the case.
I don’t see how that’s relevant to this case. I'd say that a more relevant historical case would be the 1997 South Carolina case of Hastings Wise, right, a typical "Disgruntled Minority Massacre", on our list.
Via MurderPedia:
Wise was a 6-foot-4 ex-con who weighed in at more than 250 pounds and spent almost 15 years cleaning up his life, but still seemed to enjoy intimidating co-workers by talking about his time in prison for breaking into a house and robbing a bank.He killed four people, including a woman.After 4 years working at the Aiken Lawn Mower Ignition Plant, he was fired after a violent confrontation with a supervisor …
Psychiatrists testified Wise came back to the plant several weeks after he was fired because he was angry and felt he was a victim of racism. Wise was black and his four victims were white.[More]Something like that dynamic may be what happened just now in Charleston, with less lethal consequences.