Children Abandoned In US By Deported Parents Sue Over Deportation

By Brenda Walker


Sob stories with lawyers — oh my!

This ploy is another escalation of the emotion-fraught amnesty tour, led by Rep Luis Gutierrez who prowled the whole country giving speeches at churches, preaching the open-borders message. A big part of the road show was tearful kiddies giving testimony of their sadness because of dad’s deportation (or even just the fear that someone in the family might be deported someday).

MIAMI (AP) — Ronald Soza celebrated his 10th birthday Wednesday with cake and a serenade by more than 100 other children and their parents.

His own family: absent. His mother was recently deported back to Nicaragua. His father rarely ventures out in public in fear of a similar fate. Now Soza and the other children — all U.S. citizens whose parents face deportation — are demanding a say in the immigration debate.

They are suing President Barack Obama, asking a court to halt the deportations of their parents until Congress overhauls U.S. immigration laws.

The children, who gathered Wednesday at the Miami nonprofit American Fraternity to draw attention to their cause, say their constitutional rights are being violated because they will likely have to leave the country if their parents are forced to go.

Some children said their families didn’t have enough money to pay for school supplies because the breadwinning parent had been deported, and some are at risk of losing their homes. They also say they are suffering psychological and physical hardship.

"My grades went from A’s to C’s when my mom had to leave," said Ronald.

Nearby, 5-year-old Sara Bedoya Sanchez comforted her sister Salome, 3, who played with a paper sign pinned to her chest reading "Don’t Leave me alone." [More than 100 kids sue over parents' deportations, By Laura Wides-Munoz, AP,June 17, 2009 ]

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