Cincinnati — and America — needs Peter Bronson
Peter Bronson, according to a local website, is "Cincinnati’s premier conservative op-ed columnist". The city is going to need him — it just elected its first black mayor — but according to this source he is, predictably, being phased out. His profile at his newspaper has not been updated since May.
That is a pity on a national level, because Bronson has a grip on the US immigration disaster, notwithstanding his profile’s obsolete description that he
writes William F. Buckley opinions with an Animal House sense of humor.
Last Sunday’s essay, Need for translators overloads courts — Peter Bronson The Cincinnati Enquirer November 6 2005 goes to straight to the point:
Mam is one of 23 Amerindian dialects in Guatemala, along with Quiche, Cakchiquel, Kekchi, Garifuna and Xinca. It’s also a muy grande headache for Hamilton County.When an illegal immigrant from Guatemala was charged with sexual battery and rape, Common Pleas Judge Patrick Dinkelacker had to bring in two interpreters to translate English and courtroom lawyer Latin to Spanish, then translate the Spanish to Mam … .
Even a few years ago, interpreters were rare in his courtroom, Dinkelacker said. "Now it’s every couple of weeks. We're being inundated."
Translators have been hired for Russian, French, Hindi and Fulani, a dialect in Guinea. But 70 percent of the demand is Spanish, said Pretrial Services Director Wendy Niehaus, who assigns translators.
Some defendants speak English fluently to police and lawyers, but then demand an interpreter in court. And most who get translators are illegals. "I've not seen a legal, to be honest," Dinkelacker said [ emphasis] …
This year, translator bills will hit $200,000 …
In dollars, $200,000 is not Quiche. But it’s only a small down payment on the costs of illegal immigration
("Dialect" appears to be the standard US journalist euphemism for "language". On this view, French is a European dialect.)
But Bronson sees reality. He has appeared on before. Applaud him.
Hat tip, American Renaissance