Honoring Veterans Means Maintaining Borders and Sovereignty
Patriotic holidays are more strongly felt by many citizens post-9/11, as the cost of the our freedoms receives overdue attention. But Veterans' Day is now a conflicted remembrance for some, where the sacrifices of yesterday seem little remembered in the actions of the nation’s political leaders. Instead of protecting America, Washington is more interested in the open-borders agenda pushed by by ethnic hucksters and "denationalized elites" (so described by Sam Huntington).
In fact, politicians today strive to give away the borders and sovereignty that many thousands of Americans died to protect. (One such scheme is the "North American Community" planned by the Council on Foreign Relations.)
This November contains additional dangers and ironies. France was rescued from German fascism 60 years ago, only to welcome a more stealthy enemy after the war — "cheap" labor to rebuild postwar France, in the form of Muslim immigrants.
Today, elderly French ladies in Normandy (who likely lived through D-Day) fear Muslim boys from the local school. ["Riots Change Way of Life in Normandy Town"]
EVREUX, France — Three white-haired women stood before the burnt wreckage of their beauty salon, reminiscing about the days when they still felt safe walking the streets of this Normandy town after dark."We were happy here," said one of them, an 80-year-old. "Now we're afraid."
Another looked at her watch and reported it was almost 4:30 p.m. the time that school lets out and when this group of older ladies makes sure they're at home, behind locked doors.
Such a horrific image can erase even the normal anti-France schadenfreude. It makes the "Fortress America" so derided by internationalists look better all the time.
We Americans share specific values like free speech, individual liberty, personal responsibility environmental stewardship and gender equality, and do not comprise a "universal" nation as envisioned by Ben Wattenburg. Americans gave their lives in war so that we citizens could live in freedom in our sovereign nation, not so Juan and Ahmed could enter at will for better job opportunities or the advance of jihad.
Veterans' Day should renew our committment to being a national community, and renouncing the universalist global flophouse envisioned by elites in Washington and beyond.
As Veterans for Secure Borders notes, "They didn’t die for open borders!"