
CIS: Biden’s DHS Violates APA Yet Again, This Time, To Keep Foreign Workers In The Country Longer

By A.W. Morgan


The Biden Regime has found yet another way to trespass U.S. immigration laws and policies, and yet again violated the Administrative Procedures Act that governs the approval and implementation of new rules and regulations. This time, Robert Law of the Center for Immigration Studies reports, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has extended the expiration date for work permits held by foreigners by more than a year, and ignored the APA in so doing [DHS Commits Multiple Procedural Violations to Extend Work Permits for Illegal Aliens, May 10, 2022]. So here is yet another reason to impeach President Biden.

Biden and his DHS chief, Alejandro Mayorkas, are ignoring at least two if not three immigration laws. As well, a federal judge ruled that they ran afoul of APA when they decided to stop Title 42 public health expulsions at the border.

Great Replacement Update: 685 Illegals Caught In Groups; 257 In Two Groups Earlier. Sex Fiend Deported Last Year Caught Againhttps://t.co/EFW0P116K8

— VDARE (@vdare) May 9, 2022

No one can stop them, and so “emboldened by these past examples, DHS has taken a new regulatory action that all but signals the Biden administration does not believe the rules apply to it,” Law writes:

On May 3, USCIS announced a temporary final rule (TFR) that automatically extends the validity period of a work permit from 180 days to 540 days for certain applicants seeking to renew their work permits. Many of the work permit categories eligible for this auto-extension are earmarked for illegal aliens, including those who simply filed an asylum application that the government has yet to adjudicate and those with TPS.

No one knew about it, Law continues, because DHS simply changed a major policy without public notice or comment. That violates APA. Even worse, “DHS also failed to show up to a scheduled meeting on April 22 with myself and Jessica Vaughan while the rule was still under the review of the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), as required under Executive Order (EO) 12866.”

Law offers much more, but that’s the nut of it.

Biden needn’t obey the law because no one, as a practical matter, can stop him. And DHS can bail on meetings because a lawless gang of Treason Lobbyists run it, not least the Cuban-Jewish visa fraudster called Mayorkas.

And so The Great Replacement proceeds, this time, by more than doubling the amount of time job-stealing foreigners work here legally. And some if not many of those foreigners, Law notes, are illegal aliens with pending asylum applications, 90 percent of which are bogus.

Forget ridiculous claim that the coyotes left Verduzco there to keep her safe. The cousin also inadvertently reminded us that “migrants” — leftist code for illegal aliens — aren’t coming for asylum, but instead for jobs and money. They come “for a new life.” https://t.co/hs2rThzvED

— VDARE (@vdare) May 9, 2022

These are high crimes and misdemeanors.

And so the GOP has no choice. If it retakes Congress in November’s midterms, it must immediately draft articles of impeachment, begin proceedings the day the new Congress begins, and then convict and remove Biden and Mayorkas. Another possible target: Vice President Kamala Harris, for aiding and abetting.

That would put the GOP Speaker of the House in the Oval Office, hopefully to stop dispossession and replacement of the Historic American Nation.

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