
Gypsy Immigrant Women In Stockholm Toss Feces At Each Other

By A.W. Morgan


You’d think you’d only see this in the monkey cage at the zoo, but alas and alack, immigrants and their families are providing host nations with yet another culturally enriching practice: tossing feces.

Video from Stockholm, Sweden, shows a Gypsy beggar woman ranting and raving, then reaching under a long skirt to retrieve a stink pickle.

“What the hell are they doing?” Färbåd Jalali tweeted:

They do not learn Swedish, do not work and demand money from us. Out!

I videon ser ni två vuxna tiggare som hamnar i bråk. De beslutar sig för att bajsa i sina händer för att sen kasta på varandra.

Vad i helvete håller de på med? Ser de inte att omgivningen blir sjukt obekväma?

De lär sig inte svenska, arbetar inte och kräver pengar från oss. Ut! pic.twitter.com/6DXdN2Qfro

— Färbåd Jalali (@farbodjalali) May 9, 2022

Frighteningly enough, some Swedes are unconcerned, as Dan Lyman of InfoWars Europe observed:

Prominent Swedish fashion designer Johan Lindeberg recently asserted that Swedes must embrace a new multicultural identity or face imminent “civil war.”

“Either we all help to create a new inclusive energy and become a clear international template for a new multicultural community. Or we end up in a civil war. It has already started,” Lindeberg wrote in an opinion piece published in Expressen this week.

[Shock Video: Female ‘Beggars’ Throw Poop at Each Other in Sweden, May 10, 2022].

Just keep telling yourself: Diversity is our Strength!

H/T: Border Hawk

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