CPAC: If Ann Coulter’s Speech #1, Pat Caddell’s #2 — And Top On $$$$ Influence
Caddell at CPAC. H/T Politichicks TV,
Of course, we at think that Ann Coulter’s valiant speech against Amnesty, in the teeth of the CPAC/GOP management’s wishes, was the best and most important event at CPAC.
So apparently does the MSM. Note how Bloomberg’s otherwise fairly reasonable account Republican Immigration Divide Widens as Bill Takes ShapeBy Julie Hirschfeld Davis Mar 18 2013
…at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Oxon Hill, Maryland…organizers gave prominent stage time to supporters of a broad immigration rewrite while relegating opponents to unofficial side events, neglecting even to mention them in the event’s printed schedule.
neglected even to mention Coulter’s prominent stage time appearance.
But Pat Caddell’s extraordinary address is not far behind as second, and in my view is essential information for anyone who is wondering what is happening to the Republic. The best summary seems to on Caddell Unloads on 'Racketeering' GOP Consultants by Michael Patrick Leahy 14 Mar 2013
Caddell stole the show as a panelist in the breakout session titled "Should We Shoot All the Consultants Now?" He spoke with a fire and passion that electrified the room …
"When you have the Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee and the political director of the Romney campaign, and their two companies get $150 million at the end of the campaign for the 'fantastic' get-out-the-vote program … some of this borders on RICO [the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] violations," Caddell told the crowd … .
"The Republican Party," Caddell continued, "is in the grips of what I call the CLEC — the consultant, lobbyist, and establishment complex." Caddell described CLEC as a self serving interconnected network of individuals and organizations interested in preserving their own power far more than they're interested in winning elections.
The corrupting influence of GOP Consultants has been a theme for some time. See
- Brilliant Viguerie Post On Conservatism Inc
- Does Romney Direct Mail Prodigality Prove Campaign Consultants In Control?
- GOP Campaign Consultants — As Bad As Divorce Lawyers For Ruining Clients
- Morton Blackwell On GOP Consultants (Or, How Karl Rove Got Rich)
But Breitbart reports Caddell went further:
Financial corruption is a key component of the current process, according to Caddell. "There’s money passing under the table on both parties. Don’t kid yourself … If you can’t see racketeering in front of you, God save you."
In Sheldon Adelson And Corruption: Are There Others? I drew attention to Adelson’s offer to give a reporter he was suing money to capitulate without telling his employer. This has upset a lawyer friend who tells me this amounted to an effort to mislead the Court and is deeply unethical.
Caddell’s statement makes the questions I asked in
- Is Cash Avalanche Sweeping GOP Into Amnesty Acquiescence?
- On Amnesty, Does Congress Have ADD (Adelson Dollar Disorder)?
- Immigration And Administrative Amnesty: What Specter Is Haunting The GOP?
all too germane.