CPAC Immigration Panel: 2 ReConquistas, 1 Cheap Labor Lobby Whore — And A (Quiet) Patriot

By Patrick Cleburne



Loctite Fortune’s Helen Kri eble: Immivasion is great for me — what else matters?

No better example of the utter sink of corruption that CPAC has become could be cited than the comical Immigration Panel reported in a limp-wristed fashion yesterday by NRO: CPAC Immigration Panelist: ‘Latino Voters Are the Reagan Democrats of Today’By Katherine Connell March 06 2014

“Latino voters are the Reagan Democrats of today,” said Alfonso Aguilar, the executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles. “I believe that the majority of them can actually be members of CPAC in the future,” concurred the Reverend Luis Cortés Jr.

Who are Aguilar and the “the Reverend Luis Cortes Jr.”?

All I can find for Aguilar is this flimsy website: for “Rev. Luis A. Cortes Jr.” there is just this.

• What happens if this Reagan Democrat assertion is wrong?
• Why are these men there?

The answer to the second question I answered in Why Would Anyone Pay Newt Gingrich $55 Million?and was more specifically described in Newt Gingrich: The Aspiring Americano President.Apparently there is very serious money on offer for those willing to pretend that Hispanics can be fooled into being Conservatives.

This brings me to the third participant whose contribution I definitively analyzed in 2006 in Help! Helen Krieble’s Horse Farm Workers Want To Be Paid Too Much!

According to NRO

Helen Kreible of the Kreible Foundation, advocated for a large guest-worker program, and pushed for her organization’s “Red Card” solution.

Obviously she paid to be present — and her “plan” is totally obsolete.

I don’t like calling a woman a whore but in a political sense it seems that only money motivates Helen Kreible — and she is not new to the field. Where a woman hangs out defines her.

The last participant apparently was the Heritage Foundation’s Derrick Morgan who mumbled

“I respectfully disagree with the policy of legalization with or without citizenship,” he said, instead favoring a piecemeal approach, beginning with enforcement. He noted that the current laws are not being enforced so “why would you trust this current administration” to implement a deal?

He was also the only white man (literally) at the Koch brother’s Treason Lobby party as I noted in More Billionaires For Open Borders Surface.

It would be nice to think this was an ideological concession but the reality is that Heritage blunders on with a huge budget.


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