All VDARE.com readers will be sorry to hear that it has been a pretty rainy week up here in the North East, where President Obama is finishing his vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.
North East — Brazil?
The British Press has been fascinated by Martha’s Vineyard this week and not only because of its peculiar place in American life.
As the U.K. Observer put it Why Martha’s Vineyard is the Obamas' ideal holiday retreat Robert McCrum Sunday 23 August 2009 With its links to the Kennedys and Clintons, Martha’s Vineyard is Democratic America’s holiday spot of choice.
American Democrats live by water; Republicans hunker down inland. Nowhere in liberal America, from California to New England, is so perfectly Democrat, so supremely liberal, as Martha’s Vineyard … For many of Washington’s beltway insiders, alumni of Harvard (Cambridge, Mass) and Yale (Newhaven, Conn) this little piece of paradise is an obvious choice as a tranquil summer bolthole … With the gay centre of Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod to the north and waspy Nantucket due east, the Vineyard forms the western corner of a triangle that will, on a good weekend, see the cream of the Democratic party at play.
The amazing extent to which Martha’s Vineyard is indeed the prime gathering ground of America’s Left Nomenklatura — the incestuous nexus of Wall Street/MSM/Ivy League/Foundation/Inside the Beltway specimens who batten on this country — has to be personally experienced to be believed.
By going there, Obama, like Clinton before him, was signaling that the Establishment is not at risk from him.
But is not just the Class symbolism which has fascinated the British. It is the astonishing extent to which these plutocratic Democrats have imported a foreign servant class, saving them from having to deal with the obstreperous and expensive American worker. Martha’s Vineyard is turning into Brazil.
The interest started with a long and deplorably enthusiastic story in the Financial Times How migration transformed Martha’s VineyardBy Daniela Gerson August 15 2009
Today, Martha’s Vineyard — summer retreat for the likes of Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Spike Lee and now the Obamas — depends on thousands of Brazilians to do the hard labour. Unlike earlier influxes, these newcomers are mostly illegal (estimates are as high as 70 per cent) … An estimated 3,000 Brazilians live on Martha’s Vineyard, a considerable presence on an island with a winter population of 15,000 (rising to 100,000 in the summer). For the most part, the Brazilians have created a parallel society … One telling indicator: of all the babies born on the island in 2007, nearly one-third were to Brazilian mothers.
All Anchor Babies, of couse. Since the first Brazilian only arrived in 1986, this build up is by no means over — Martha’s Vineyard is headed for a Brazilian majority in the year round population. The FT story also touches on a number of the major Immigration scandals, such as "Catch and Release".
Other British MSM outlets got interested, adding to the original story. The BBC had Obama island’s Brazilian 'engine' Sunday 23 Aug 2009
Jessica Nascimento, a 29-year-old American from Middleborough, Massachusetts, works in a restaurant in Oak Bluffs where the kitchen is staffed solely by Brazilians … Michael Dutton, Oak Bluffs' town administrator, said … "The Brazilian population has kept to itself. That is not good, because they remain a mystery to the rest of the island."
And the (as usual) more thinking Daily Telegraph Racial tension simmers on Martha’s Vineyard as Barack Obama arrives 20 August 2009
Jon Parkinson … wrote: "Why is it that young people interested in learning the trades find that many of the entry level positions are filled by Brazilian laborers? Certain segments of the core industries that drive Island life (landscaping, painting, etc.) have all but been taken over by labor provided by illegal immigrants. These are people who drive cars, delivery vans and often large trucks in every town, day and night."
Why has this happened? The FT story points out that Martha’s Vineyard wages are 10% less than the Massachusetts average (on-the books wages, that is), but there are big reservoirs of underemployment in the northern tier of New England states — Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. (Of course, no one would expect the Democratic aristocracy to risk hiring from the Black slums around Boston.)
The answer is a microcosm of America’s immigration problem. The Brazilians, paid off the books, with no Income taxes or Social Security, could undercut the native-born. Health and education costs were dumped on the local taxpayer. Once established, they hired each other, protected by the exclusiveness of Portuguese. The Democratic Princes got cheap, biddable labor. For their fellow-countrymen, they cared — nothing.
Joe Guzzardi has documented this process here and here.
The Financial Times, in particular, is widely read and frequently scalped by the US MSM. Yet the gushing coverage of Obama’s visit seems to have completely ignored the Brazilian take-over. Can’t disturb our Masters at rest!
An honorable minor exception was Vineyarders pressed by health costs by Kate Lazar The Boston Globe August 25 2008
Among some locals, frustration and resentment is palpable on the issue of free health care for illegal immigrants, though few are comfortable being quoted on the topic. Why, they ask, should they be forced to face a tax penalty for not having health insurance, while others receive government-subsidized emergency care for free?
A wave of immigration over the past decade, largely from Brazil, has created an underground island economy, where 16 of every 100 jobs is estimated to be held by undocumented workers, according to a 2008 analysis for the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.
Massachusetts’s overhaul did not tackle the issue of health care for illegal immigrants, who continue to receive limited care under a government-funded Medicaid program similar to those in other states
A true insight into the fate of America’s workers — and America — under Obama and his managers. They are importing a new People