Was Someone Using Hal Turner To Entrap VDARE.com?

Peter Brimelow


Alexander Hart’s recent analysis of the way in which right radical web radio host/ FBI informant Hal Turner was apparently being used to make the case for Hate Crimes/ Hate Speech totalitarianism rang a bell and I dug into my email inbox (currently 9518 items, aargh) to find this:
Mon 11/27/2006 10:39 PM Sirs: I own Turner Radio Network, an internet and radio broadcasting outlet.

This past summer, I decided to change the tone of the network and cleared out 90% of the existing radio shows. I hope to bring new programming from a variety of credible sources which is the purpose of my writing to you.

I would like to offer VDARE and its contributors, FREE radio time on Turner Radio Network. I am willing to make an initial offer of ONE hour per week for programming of your choice, beginning in January, 2007, remaining free until March.

The show can be pre-recorded or live. If live, it can have listener call-ins or not.

Please let me know if this is of interest to you. IF it is of interest, and the programming is well received by my existing audience, I may extend the amount of time offered per week.

Hal Turner Turner Radio Network 1906 Paterson Plank Road North Bergen, NJ 07047-1900 USA 201 484-7809

(I was going to delete the contact information because Turner’s family apparently still live there, but I see they post it on their blog.)

I didn’t answer this e-mail, and not just because I am several thousands of emails behind in my correspondence. But now I wonder. November 2006 is well within the period that Turner is supposed to have worked for the FBI — let alone whoever else employed him. What was going on here?

No doubt naively, I also find myself wondering about Turner’s statement that he had "decided to change the tone of the network and cleared out 90% of the existing radio shows. I hope to bring new programming from a variety of credible sources which is the purpose of my writing to you."

Despite prim Establishment Conservative assertions to the contrary, VDARE.com is far from being on the extreme — which is, obviously, a matter of relativity. Is it possible that Turner, who was apparently a conventional conservative quite recently, really did want to come in from the cold?

But of course there is no way back if you're on the right — in mysterious contrast to the endless tolerance extended to the left.

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