
Dengue Fever Arrives in Miami

By Peter Brimelow


Locally acquired case of dengue fever turns up in Miami, By Fred Tasker, Palm Beach Post, Thursday November 11, 2010.

The first locally acquired case of dengue fever in Miami-Dade County in more than 50 years was confirmed Thursday by health officials. They warned people to take precautions against the mosquitoes that carry it.

''This is a big deal,'' said Lillian Rivera, administrator of the Miami-Dade Health Department.

''We have not had a locally acquired case of dengue fever since the 1950s,'' said Dr. Fermin Leguen, the department’s chief epidemiologist … .

Health officials said they don’t know where the man acquired the disease. It was a different strain from the one that has caused 57 locally acquired cases in Key West and one in Broward County.

Dengue outbreaks because of immigration was something I predicted in Alien Nation, as James Fulford pointed out when those cases appeared in Key West this summer. Typically, this new story doesn’t seem to be spreading in the MSM, although the Drudge Report is featuring it, as so often happens.

Buried in this news story, another gem:

..Leguen also repeated the warning to local doctors and hospitals to be on the lookout for cholera cases that might be spread by people returning from Haiti, where a cholera epidemic has killed more than 600 people


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