Denver Library Diversity Includes Graphic Porn

By Brenda Walker


Denver’s public libraries have been extreme in promoting a bilingual agenda, and that’s bad enough ["Library’s Spanish outreach criticized"]. But responsible citizens have discovered the most reprehensible sort of Spanish-language porn comic books on library shelves, readily available for children. Denver talk-radio host Peter Boyles has been blowing the whistle on this horror. More info also here.

Remember, diversity is our strength!

But seriously, Mexican violence against women is deeply rooted in culture, as I wrote recently in "Mexican Sexual Diversity." An important Washington Post article about rape, "In Mexico, an Unpunished Crime," noted that "In many parts of Mexico, the penalty for stealing a cow is harsher than the punishment for rape."

For a disturbing look at how hateful and misogynous Mexican comic books can be, see "The Trouble with White Women", NOT for children!

Mexican culture gets a fair amount of criticism for its indifference to education (which resists assimilation) and endemic corruption, but the inherent violence against women has not gotten enough attention by a long shot.

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