Latino media to the rescue…again!

By D.A. King


Here in Georgiafornia our efforts at public education on the organized crime that advances our colonization have been ignored by the MSM once again.

Late last month, we staged a second protest at Georgia State Senator [and national board member of MALDEF] $am Zammarpia’s mortgage loans -to illegal aliens operation. [ Empinan carteles anti indocumentados By Linda Carolina PĂ©rez, Mundo Hispanico, August 5, 2005 (English translation here) ]

I sent out the press release and electronic flyers to all the local media…oh nevermind…see here for my account from the February protest at the same bank. Here for Atlanta Latino’s coverage

The only real difference in the day was the temperature, and a different Spanish language newspaper that showed up to cover the event — again, every MSM outlet in town stayed away.

Well, there was one notable difference: this time the sprinklers were turned on our group. See photos from Dustin Inman Society here: Public Education at the United Americas Bank (aka Banco Unido) Atlanta, July 23, 2005

We want to believe that the same bank officers who called the police complaining of our presence were also concerned about us enduring the 90-degree July heat.

It is clear that the AJC would rather allow itself to be scooped by a local Spanish language paper than be forced to acknowledge that the well connected ethnic hustler state senator $am Zamarripa be the focus of a story involving the assistance of illegal aliens and violation of federal law.

A tip of our hat to Mundo Hispanico for producing a fair and balanced report of the Who, What ,Where, When of the event it covered.

Note to AJC …here is an example of accurate, un-biased j-o-u-r-n-a-l-i-s-m that you as a newspaper should study. But first…you must show up!

Another note to the AJC and the rest of the Atlanta MSM …be advised, we are doing another protest next month, same place — just to give you plenty of time to arrange to not cover those irritating Americans demanding justice in America. Again.

Personal note to State Senator Zamarripa: I understand banking just fine. It is your total lack of comprehension of my personal level of educated contempt for you as a lawmaker, an American and a man that is obvious.

We will change that, State Senator.

Can we all say “RICO” together?

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