
Devastating Matt Taibbi Essay On Democrats’ 2024 Election Coup Planning — 2020 Too

By Patrick Cleburne


Matt Taibbi has generously open-posted Is the Electoral Fix Already In?, Racket News, January 26, 2024. I believe this will prove one of keystone essays in the historical analysis of our dreadful era — in the by no means certain event that honest history writing is allowed. This essay is imperative reading (while you can).

Taibbi documents that the Democratic Party has worked themselves up into a foaming fury about Trump, so absurd that outsiders have difficulty crediting it.

“We’re about 30 seconds away from the Armageddon clock when it comes to democracy,” said Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, William Cohen, adding that Trump is “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

…Declared former CIA and defense chief Leon Panetta: “Like any good dictator, he’s going to try to use the military to basically perform his will.”

…For over a year, the Biden administration and its surrogates have dropped hint after hint that the plan for winning in 2024 — against Donald Trump or anyone else — might involve something other than voting.

Taibbi then goes into great detail about what they are cooking up.

He also goes into great detail about the dirty tricks pulled on Trump by the Democratic Deep Swamp before and after the 2016 election, to supply perspective that these creatures have already demonstrated willingness to skirt and break the law.

In addition he reports on the summer 2020 activities of the

Transition Integrity Project (TIP) … roughly 100 former officials, think-tankers, and journalists who gathered to “wargame” contested election scenarios.

These scenarios included that the election result could be disputed by either Trump or Biden (in the latter case on “advice from President Obama,”[VDARE emphasis] secession threats by the West Coast States were considered!). He surfaces a quote from TIP co-founder Georgetown Professor Rosa Brooks :

…in the event of a Trump power grab, “the only thing left is what pro-democracy movements and human rights movements around the world have always done, which is sustained, mass peaceful demonstrations.”

To these people, any type of Trump victory would be a “power grab.” Remember this was 2020, the year of the BLM and AntiFa “mostly peaceful protests.” The full TIP report makes clear the participants were counting on sustained street violence if Trump had won.

Also that the misuse of the Insurrection Act had been identified as a method of repression, and that how to handle demonstrations was carefully considered. This of course is only the tip of the iceberg. What was discussed off the record was likely much worse.

My conclusions:

In other words, I was correct in Yes, Virginia (Dare): The 2020 Election WAS Fraudulent — And GA GOP Leadership (Among Others) Are Complicit.

A minor quibble: Taibbi’s sub-headline is “The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election.”

The problem is not lawyers, but judges. The phalanx of Hard Left Thugs such as Commissar Chutkan, which started assembling under Obama, has now reached critical mass. As VDARE knows to its cost, they ignore both law and arguments to deliver politicized results.

Nevertheless, this is a great achievement by Matt Taibbi. I remarked in 2011 in Matt Taibbi Dissents On Immigration: Gets Repressed that he was:

…probably the brightest new star in the journalistic firmament: his description of Goldman Sachs as a

”great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money”

is clearly destined for immortality.

So too I think is this roadmap of America’s destruction.

This is not happening because the Democrats are afraid of Trump. It is happening because they think they can get away with it.

Peter Brimelow is right: Trump’s Indictment — Like I Said, This Is A Communist Coup.

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