
January 6: The Capitol Insurrection Hoax After Three Years

By James Fulford


Earlier, by Peter Brimelow: CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” HOAX: How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat [VIDEO]

We have 90 posts (or 91 when I finish this one) tagged Capitol Insurrection Hoax.

Let’s start with something we published on January 7, 2021:

The riots, aided and abetted by local governments, and the attack on the Trump White House, which has been memory-holed, seems much more like an “insurrection” or attempted Color Revolution (as Steve Sailer pointed out) than January 6, 2021, seven months later.

Our writer who signs Charlottesville Survivor went to the Stop The Steal rally, and we had video reporters on scene — who did not enter the Capitol, because although VDARE.com is essentially a journalistic enterprise, the government would treat us as insurrectionists as they are specifically not doing to MSM reporters who ”followed Trump supporters as they entered the Senate Chamber.”

I.e., committed exactly the same trespassing as the “Mostly Peaceful Protesters.” This lady won an award because she committed the same offense as the people in the Gulag — but she did it for the New Yorker:

Our video, "A Reporter’s Video from Inside the Capitol Siege," has won two Webby awards! Thank you so much to everyone who votedhttps://t.co/WzadZCrIjH via @TheWebbyAwards

Link to video: https://t.co/gpQhZw7Ou2 pic.twitter.com/2reCLjnzKK

— Sara Joe Wolansky (@SjoeW) April 26, 2022

Here’s our video, and VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow explains here: CAPITOL “INSURRECTION” HOAX: How Our Lying Press Would Have Spun Jan 6 Protest If Trump Were A Democrat.

Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed white woman, was killed by a black Capitol Police officer’s gun in the protest/riot.

Peter Brimelow wrote above that

By Gregory Hood called her a Martyr for the Historic American Nation.

However, you are not alone.greater than yourself, something that goes back to the beginning of time. There’s no alternative but to accept your duty, face what’s coming, remember the fallen, and have faith in victory.

Ashli Babbitt, RIP. We won’t forget.https://t.co/Ob9f3af8wR

— VDARE (@vdare) January 6, 2024

It took long enough to for us to find out who the Capitol Police officer was (Lt. Michael Byrd) or that he was black, and just now, three years later, we’re finding out this:

NEW: According to just-filed Judicial Watch suit, the officer who killed Ashli Babbitt had his police powers revoked for a prior off-duty shooting in which "stray bullets from Lt. Byrd’s firearm struck the sides of homes nearby. Investigation found use of force was not justified"

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 5, 2024

The kind of thing we find out on the first day after a white police officer survives an attack by an unarmed black man.

Talk Radio host Jesse Kelly says Joe Biden is not protesting against political violence, he’s trying to maintain a monopoly of it.

"Political violence" is when the FBI kicks in the door of a fat old man with a cane and guns him down like an animal for putting up some spicy Facebook posts.

What Joe Biden is saying is he'd like to retain a monopoly on the political violence in America. https://t.co/gqs8glCuRx

— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) January 5, 2024

Would Biden support political violence in the streets? He did in Kenosha, Wisconsin: see Steve Sailer’s Insurrection: How Much More Lawbreaking Did Biden Incite In Kenosha With His Demand To “Dismantle Systemic Racism” *AFTER* The First Night Of Rioting?

Eventually, all this led to the attack on Kyle Rittenhouse by several Antifa members. The teenage marksman appears to have ended rioting more or less single-handedly, which is more than you can say for Biden’s role in this sorry affair. — @Steve_Sailer https://t.co/IQhLvi2Fte

— VDARE (@vdare) November 9, 2021

And when that happened, the media was there to spin it:

Peaceful marches in Kenosha, Wis., against the police shooting of a Black man gave way to fires and destruction. https://t.co/45SHCTyOmg

— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 25, 2020

I heard that the Kremlin’s Spetsnaz commandos airdropped into Kenosha from their forward base in Murmansk with special orders from Putin himself to set the Unitarian church’s "Black Lives Matter" sign on fire. pic.twitter.com/SbbpP7lnot

— Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) August 25, 2020

So excuse us if we continue to think of January 6 as a “Mostly Peaceful Protest” rather than an insurrection.

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