Dog-Whistling Drudge Dodges Immigration Outrages at Democratic Convention
Triumphant Illegal Alien addresses Democratic Convention. Not newsworthy to Drudge
I see the Drudge Report has been in full Dog-Whistling mode for the Democratic Convention, serving up stories clearly intended to rile up and energize the Republican base:
Delegates at convention boo, hiss, jeer …
(linked to the Real Clear Politics story Jerusalem And God Vote Gets Booed At Dem Convention )
Florida DNC Boss: Christians Want Jews Slaughtered …
(A classic!)
Chance of rain at Obama speech time: 0% …
( comment: Told you so!)
Completely missing however was one of the biggest outrages of all:
Illegal immigrant makes history, addresses Democratic convention By Hector Becerra The Los Angeles Times September 5, 2012
…when Benita Veliz stepped up to the lectern at the Democratic National Convention, she made history. The 27-year-old from San Antonio became the first illegal immigrant to address a national political convention…
In 2009, she allegedly rolled through a stop sign and was stopped by a police officer. Veliz had a Mexican consular card but no driver’s license…That started deportation proceedings against her… Veliz was ultimately spared deportation after President Obama signed an executive order to halt the deportation of some young illegal immigrants.
This dramatic flaunting of Obama’s Administrative Amnesty Coup D’état was clearly suppressed to avoid drawing attention to Romney’s shamefully weak response — and increases suspicion that a flip-flop is being planned.
Similarly Drudge made no mention of the refusal of ICE to take action against the “UndocuBus” illegal alien demonstrators at the Convention, as noted by Federale. UndocuBus is so egregious even The New York Times permitted dissent: Pure and Simple Lawlessness by John C Eastman August 1 2012 (H/T One Old Vet).
There was a time when Drudge was a reliable source of immigration outrage stories, which continue to infuriate the base. The message is plain: Drudge is now an obedient servant of Conservatism Inc, and GOP immigration policy is bought and paid for.