Drudge Dog-Whistles Immigration Outrages! — But Only Fleetingly

By Patrick Cleburne



A call from Boston?

Fresh from successfully dog-whistling the Obama Phone scandal, very briefly today it appeared the Drudge Report was dropping its avoidance of immigration outrages in its election campaigning.

At 12:58 PM NY time Drudge carried USDA met 30 times with Mexican gov’t to promote food-stamp use among Mexican immigrants, linked to a Daily Caller story with the same title by Caroline May datelined today.

Writing in response to Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions’ July request for information about the USDA’s little known partnership with the Mexican government to educate citizen and noncitizen immigrants from Mexico about the availability of food stamps and other nutrition assistance programs, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack defended the partnership as a way to curb hunger in America …

At 4:13 PM there appeared Report: Recovery faster for immigrants than US-born workers. This linked to another Daily Caller story Analysis: In Obama’s economy, immigrants outpace native-born AmericansBy Neil Munro also datelined 10/01/2012.

Since Obama’s inauguration, employers have fired and hired millions of workers during the bust and slow recovery. The net result is that they employed more than 1.7 million more immigrants — but only 418,000 more native-born Americans — in August 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ household survey.

That number “seems like a usable tool on the table if [Gov. Mitt] Romney wanted to use it … to drive up [his] numbers,” a GOP operative told The Daily Caller.

Romney may want to leverage those numbers. He’s lagging among a winnable and critical constituency — swing-voting, working class whites in the Midwest — whom Washington, D.C. has forced to compete against the huge influx of low-skill, low-wage immigrants.

(As usual with Munro’s work, this article is powerfully reasoned and very solidly documented, and really deserves its own VDARE.com boost.)

“…a usable tool on the table if [Gov. Mitt] Romney wanted to use it” Apparently not. By early evening the Mexican story had been displaced and by the time I started to write this blog Munro’s NVAWDI –style story had gone away too. Many older stories on subjects big contributors do not mind remained. Did Matt Drudge get a call from Boston?

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