
Ellis Island Will Now Condemn, Instead of Commemorate, Border Security

By James Kirkpatrick


Something like this happened, therefore, open borders forever

Your tax dollars at work …

American history can only be remembered as part of a general condemnation. Ellis Island, which was once used for common sense screening and processing of European immigrants, has been transformed into a propaganda operation to shill for open borders.

The Obama administration is injecting its open border agenda to the federal landmark that once served as the gateway for legal immigration with a new gallery blasting the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border and the deportation of “unauthorized immigrants.”

Located in the New York Harbor and situated near the iconic Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and its structures are federally-owned landmarks operated by the National Park Service (NPS), which is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior. From 1892 to 1954 the island received and processed around 12 million immigrants, mostly Europeans fleeing war, religious persecution and famine. Among them were oppressed Jews from Eastern Europe and czarist Russia in search of a better life.

This was more than half a century ago. In the 1980s the building that served as the nation’s chief gateway was restored and subsequently reopened as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, a “symbol of this nation’s immigrant heritage,” according to the U.S. government. The museum exhibits have for decades chronicled Ellis Island’s role in immigration history and offered individual stories of brave men and women leaving their homeland to seek new opportunities in an unknown country. This includes a baggage room where belongings were inspected daily, a registry room where the new arrivals underwent medical and legal examinations and dormitories that were filled to capacity nightly with temporarily detained immigrants.

Soon this historical federal landmark will expand to tell the plight of illegal immigrants that annually cross into the U.S. through the Mexican border. The new section will be called “Feet People” and a mainstream newspaper recently got a glimpse of it. The Border Patrol “began militarizing the 2,000-mile United States-Mexico border and deporting any unauthorized immigrants in 1993,” the new Ellis Island Immigration Museum panel says. “This fortification has pushed men, women and even children, who seek to cross on foot without documentation, even deeper into remote and dangerous terrain. They cross deserts and mountain ranges on foot and swim contaminated irrigation ditches. They crawl through sewer pipes and tunnels. To find work and reunite with family members, hundreds risk their lives every week to reach the United States.”

[Ellis Island "Feet People" Exhibit Blasts Militarizing Mexican Border, Deportations, Judicial Watch, May 8, 2015]

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