NY Gov.. Cuomo To Protect Immigrant Manicurists From Immigrant Salon Operators. When Will He Protect Americans?

By A.W. Morgan



Apropos of my squib last week about The New York Times investigation into the exploitation of nail salon slaves, the Times reports that Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he’s going to war against the nail salon tycoons.

Here is the Times’ website headline:

Cuomo Acts to Protect Workers at Nail Salons

Acting in response to a series in The New York Times, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo ordered emergency measures to improve conditions for workers in New York State’s nail salons.

First paragraph:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo ordered emergency measures on Sunday to combat the wage theft and health hazards faced by the thousands of people who work in New York State’s nail salon industry.

Gee, if only Cuomo would combat the wage theft these foreigners perpetrate on Americans.

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