Finger Of God: Brat Defeats Cantor in VA-7

By Patrick Cleburne


Cantor Brat

Dave Brat has defeated Eric Cantor in the 7th District of Virginia’s Republican Primary. And not narrowly: with almost all the votes counted Politico reports the margin as 55.6% to 44.4%.

To put this achievement in perspective this morning Cantor Race Could End Amnesty Dream For 2014 by Tony Lee reported

The fate of amnesty legislation this year may depend on House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) margin of victory Tuesday in a primary campaign that has surprisingly emerged as a high-profile immigration battle…

Cantor has had to fend off a long-shot, underfunded economics professor who rose in the polls by relentlessly attacking Cantor on the issue.

In the closing hours of the campaign, Randolph-Macon economics professor David Brat launched yet another immigration broadside on Cantor, declaring, “a vote for Eric Cantor on June 10th is a vote for open borders and lower wages” and that “Cantor’s absolute determination to pass amnesty knows no bounds."

The story quotes

Kyle Kondick, the managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball. “It would be an absolute shock if Cantor lost, and there’s no reason to expect that he will. I’m more interested in the margin — whether he gets over 60% or not.”

Despite an immense funding advantage Cantor was very likely badly harmed by the current Obamacrat abandonment of Border enforcement. And of course his early championing of the “Dreamer” Amnesty.

To my mind the only parallel is the surprise Reagan victory in the 1976 North Carolina Presidential primary. Let us hope the aftermath is as decisive. salutes Dave Brat and the Patriots of Va-7.

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