More From Twitter On Brat Beating Cantor: Hey, Corporate-Funded GOP Establishment, How’s That Pass-Amnesty-After-The-Primaries Scheme Working Out For You?
Here are some more reactions from old friends and acquaintances.
Hey, corporate-funded GOP establishment, how’s that pass-amnesty-after-the-primaries scheme working out for you?
— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) June 11, 2014
Does Cantor’s loss completely end the chance of immigration reform in this Congress? Surely it has:
— Andrew Sullivan (@sullydish) June 11, 2014
Cantor "is the first majority leader ever to fall in primary defeat — the position was created in 1899."
— Peter Suderman (@petersuderman) June 11, 2014
LOL: #redmeat RT @TwitchyTeam ’stat of the night': Eric Cantor’s campaign spent $168,637 on what? ==>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) June 11, 2014
The moment Cantor lost?
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) June 11, 2014