Flying Rocks and Crashed Helicopters
By D.A. King
While visiting the Arizona — Mexican border last year, I vividly remember the brave American Border Patrol Agents in Douglas (America) warning me: "Watch for flying rocks from the other side" they said … meaning the ten foot aluminum fence not ten yards away. "They throw them when you aren’t looking".
The other side? Mexico, Fox, and more than 100 million desperate "willing workers" … the Third World. Now, I read that American helicopters are being brought down by the future "willing workers". With rocks. Sound familiar? Wanna go for a Republic? Me neither. And I don’t care who knows it. I can’t help but wonder — again — what my twentieth century Detroit cop grandfather would do … or say. Rule of law? Secure borders? Common language? Equal protection under the law? I think I know. Enough! … If I clean it up, I imagine. Sorry Grandpa. (Note to Morris and MALDEF: … he is gone now, no action here, move on.)When is the next election again?