
George Will Gives In On Birthright Citizenship

By James Fulford


George Will has always been an immigration enthusiast–it was from a piece of his in The Pursuit of Virtue and Other Tory Notions that I first heard of Thomas Bailey Aldrich’s nineteenth century poem The Unguarded Gates.

I liked this poem, which is the reverse of the Emma Lazarus one, (Bailey wrote “O Liberty, white Goddess! is it well /To leave the gates unguarded?” but Will hated it, and he was mentioned in here on VDARE.com George Will Can’t Count — Deportation No Problema, after he wrote a column saying it would be impossible to get all the illegals out of the United States, because there are so many of them that they would fill “200,000 buses in a caravan stretching bumper-to-bumper from San Diego to Alaska”–which is true, if you make the absolutely idiotic assumption that they're all leaving on the same day.

But just now, Paul Nachman writes that George Will has got the message on the 14th Amendment :

“George Will, quoting Lino Graglia, comes down against anchor babies. It’s hard to imagine a more prominent, better venue than having this in the WaPo (also at Townhall.)”

It would be nice if Will had reached the level of thinking that we at VDARE.com were at on, to be exact, August 31, 2001. [Weigh Anchor! Enforce the Citizenship Clause,by Nathaniel Parker] But he hasn’t. The piece starts “A simple reform would drain some scalding steam from immigration arguments that may soon again be at a roiling boil.”

Why does he want to remove this “scalding steam?” Because he still wants to surrender on amnesty, and still doesn’t want to deport anyone.

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