Happy Feast of John Keble Day! (Also Passover)

By Peter Brimelow


Katie Couric and Sarah Palin both wished me a Happy Passover tonight. I watch CBS News because I like to know what the enemy is doing and I am a Facebook friend with Sarah because I am fascinated by the rise, and what now appears to be the developing decline, of this tragically mishandled heartland phenomenon.

Of course, I am DEEPLY offended. Donโ€™t these women know anything about the separation of church and state or whatever, as exemplified by the compulsory multiculturalization of Holiday, formerly known as C โ€” โ€” s? (I hope to finish my our War Against C โ€” โ€” s wrap-up by Easter-sorry Springfest.) Obviously, there can be no mention of Passover without equal time for, letโ€™s see who we can scrounge up, John Keble, whose feast day this is in the calendar of the Episcopalian Church to which so many of the Founding Fathers belonged. Not to mention Saint Berthold in the Roman Catholic calendar. Call it the Hanukkah rule.

Some VDARE.com Editorial Collective members did actually attend seders tonight. As on last Theodore of Tarsus and St Wenceslaus Days, we wish everyone the best.

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