Hmore Hmong Hmayhem!

By Patrick Cleburne


St Paul Hmong

Misleading picture of St Paul Hmong

Congratulations to Brenda Walker for spotting Hmong Gangster Is Sentenced in St. Paul for Gang Rape buried under the characteristically dishonest headline Teen gets eight years in gang rape of girl, 14, in St. Paul by Chao Xiong September 11, 2012 (Nine youths were involved.)

Several years ago succeeded in really irritating our enemies by running a long series of appropriately headlined stories about this extremely belligerent nation, imported and largely dumped on welfare by the Refugee Industry. James Fulford summarized the oeuvre in A Hmong Hmedley.

This was possible partly because, as Peter Brimelow noted in Hmore Hmurdering Hmong, the MSM in the upper Northwest back then was guilelessly frank about the ethnicity of perpetrators. Subsequently there were reports that racial candor even in comment threads was being censored. Now, real digging is needed.

Well done, Brenda!

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