Hungary’s Orbán: Illegal Migrants Are More Important To Brussels Bureaucrats Than Their Own European Citizens
Not having to bother much with legislative negotiating, senior EU bureaucrats have a pretty free hand to do as they please.
One thing it pleased them to do this week was punish Hungary for being mean to so-called “asylum seekers”: putting them in detention, violating their right to appeal, even — oh good Lord! — even deporting them.
The EU-crats have fined Hungary a lump sum of (translated from euros) 186 million dollars with, in addition, 930 thousand dollars a day to be paid until Hungary complies with EU “asylum” rules. The money will be automatically subtracted from Hungary’s share of the EU budget.
European Court Fines Hungary €200M Over Asylum Policy
The ECJ’s decision to punish Hungary for defending the EU’s external borders is “outrageous and unacceptable,” says PM Viktor Orbán. #Hungary #fined #EuropeanCourt #AsylumPolicy #orban #migration
— The European Conservative (@EuroConOfficial) June 14, 2024
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is of course furious. Quote from him:
It seems that illegal migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens.
ECJ fines Hungary with €200 million over ’extremely serious’ breach of EU asylum law,, June 13, 2024
Yes, Mr. Prime Minister: that is indeed how it seems, because that’s how it is.