
Who Wants Puerto Rico?

John Derbyshire


It’s not just sexually eccentric people who are proud; Puerto Ricans are proud, too. To show us how proud they are the Puerto Ricans in New York City had a huge parade up Fifth Avenue last Sunday, officially the Puerto Rican Pride Day Parade.

OK, I guess, and Heaven forbid I should… you know, rain on their parade. I don’t really see what they’re proud of, though. If Puerto Rico had fought for and won its independence, that would be an occasion for pride. The place is a colony, though. They’re proud to be a colony? Hoo-kay.

Twenty-one years ago I posted a column under the title Necessary But Impossible.” In that column I listed ten things I would like to see done but won’t because they are politically impossible. Number nine on my list was “Grant independence to Puerto Rico.” Here is what I wrote. Quoting myself:

Who wants Puerto Rico? Well, obviously the Puerto Ricans do. It’s their place. Not “their country” because it isn’t a country. It’s a “commonwealth,” which is a fancy way of saying it’s a US colony.

What are we doing in the colony business? Isn’t this a free republic? Didn’t we get started in the first place as an anti-colonial enterprise?

We can’t offer Puerto Rico statehood because they have nothing in common with us, not even a language. (And, oh, also because any Senator or Representative who voted for such a measure would be lynched on return to his home district.)

What’s that you say? — Puerto Ricans have fought bravely in our country’s wars? Great! Let’s give U.S. citizenship to those who have done so! God bless them! For the rest — give them back their country.

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