"I Can’t Breathe" Shirts Ban Will Go to Court; What About Ban on American Flag?

By James Kirkpatrick


Here’s the next great civil rights violation from those lovable content aggregators at the Huffington Post,

A high school basketball tournament on the Northern California coast has become the latest flashpoint in the ongoing protests over police killings of unarmed black men after a school was disinvited because of concerns its players would wear T-shirts printed with the words "I Can’t Breathe" during warmups.

The athletic director at Fort Bragg High School informed his counterpart at Mendocino High School this week that neither the boys nor girls team would be allowed to participate in the three-day tournament hosted by Fort Bragg High starting Monday, Mendocino Unified School District Superintendent Jason Morse said.

The boys were reinstated after all but one player agreed not to wear the shirts inspired by the last words of Eric Garner, the New York man who died after an officer put him in a chokehold, while on the Fort Bragg campus during the Vern Piver Holiday Classic tournament, Morse said. Too few girl players accepted the condition for the team to field a tournament squad, he said …

Both schools are located in Mendocino County, known for redwood forests, rugged coastline and marijuana-growing, located 120 miles north of San Francisco. The student bodies at the two schools are 1 percent black and 50 percent white and 41 percent Hispanic at Fort Bragg, 75 percent white and 9 percent Hispanic at Mendocino."

['I Can’t Breathe' Shirts Banned From High School Basketball Tournament, by Lisa Leff, December 28, 2014]

Needless to say, never underestimate the power of what Steve Sailer has called the "megaphone," the ability of the media to create new realities by simply repeating the same lies over and over again.

The ACLU has already been contacted so there will most likely be a lawsuit. What will be interesting is whether the courts in California will use the same kind of reasoning to defend the school’s decision that they used when they ruled a ban on American flag shirts was justified because of "safety concerns."

Who wants to bet that the court will rule in favor of "I Can’t Breathe" students in the inevitable court case? Keep an eye on this one.

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