I Had To Look: "Dumb Racists Photoshop Ferguson Protester Into Awful Viral Meme"
I saw this link:Dumb Racists Photoshop Ferguson Protester Into Awful Viral Meme, By Adam Weinstein, Fortress America, Filed to: awful humanity part mcmxvix Today 12:55pm
I had to took, because I wanted to see what these people think is awful. Here’s the "racist" meme: "No mother should have to fear for her son’s life every time he robs a store". The original poster says "You can’t make this stuff up." but you can — it’s Photoshopped.
The original sign is below — it says ""No mother should have to fear for her son’s life every time he leaves home," with the hashtags "#blacklivesmatter" and "#stayhuman.
Right. But it’s a standard meme — like Michelle Obama’s "bring back our girls" sign that's been so often Photoshopped.
However, "No mother should have to fear for her son’s life every time he robs a store" is the actual position of many progressives and racial activists. See this, from Chris L. Hayes Jamelle Bouie on Twitter:
@chrislhayes Like I’ve said before, if every teenager who robbed a store were killed, I would have attended a ghost town for high school.
— Jamelle Bouie (@jbouie) December 1, 2014
Perhaps they think "robbing" equals "shoplifting" — in this case it doesn’t.