Suspect UVA Hit Piece Authored By Writer Of Suspect Anti-Catholic Hit Piece — Does She Have Any NON-Suspect Pieces?
By Eugene Gant
Steve Sailer has published a fine piece at Taki’s on the tropes that would lead one to believe that Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s story about a gang rape at University of Virginia is a hoax.
Here’s another reason: Erdely, who is militantly Jewish, is a hit thing for the Christophobic Left. In 2011, Bill Donohue of the Catholic League dissected her hit piece — also published in Rolling Stone — about pervert priests in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
A look at her résumé shows that she’s obsessed with the usual topics the Left is obsessed with: rape, bullied gays, transvestites, domestic abuse, etc.
We now have two pieces that raise grave doubts about this ideologue’s credibility. Should someone be looking into her work on other "issues?"