I was interested to read here last Thursday FORMER AGENT: Invade Mexico? Designate The Drug Cartels “Terrorist Organizations”? Maybe — But It’s Complicated.
Behind the headline, Former Agent appears straightforwardly negative on the idea of conquering Mexico. He points out:
(Because the Cartels have infiltrated and co-opted Mexico’s armed forces.)
(Because “an invasion would inspire the globalists to say that the only solution to the failed state is to make a hemispheric government between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. U.S. sovereignty would be a thing of the past.”)
To believe a soldier or Marine of Mexican descent who lives in Mexico will fight other Mexicans on behalf of a mostly white Army or Marine command is begging to find out why Rome collapsed.
I relate to this. In the mid-90s I was stranded for 40 minutes waiting to cross New York’s Fifth Avenue while the Puerto Rican Day Parade went by. (Other NY parade organizers keep gaps to allow pedestrians to cross. Not these.) I was chilled to see National Guard units go by flying only the Puerto Rican flag, wildly cheering and being cheered.
With this idea floating around, I implore VDARE readers to visit Our Dysfunctional Neighbor — “Mark In Mexico’s” Incisive Analysis.
This is by far the most insightful essay I have ever seen on Mexico (and the wittiest). I quoted Mark:
Why is Mexico such a mess? It’s the culture. Don’t scoff. I live here, remember? Mexicans do not understand the very basics of Rule of Law. They don’t understand them and I don’t believe they ever will. The single missing ingredient here is accountability. You can steal just about whatever you want to steal here, and if you share the spoils with the political powers that be as well as local, state and federal law enforcement, you can get along quite nicely. Kind of like Chicago
Mexican politicians believe that it is their right to enrich themselves at the expense of their constituents. It comes with the territory, so to speak. Mexicans as a whole are not capable of viewing society as a whole. They do not understand that what is injurious to society is injurious to the individual.
Visit “The Last Word On Mexico” — A Dangerously Insightful Essay On Mexican History for the full text.
I strongly disagree with Mark in Mexico’s proposals, which amongst other things involve sequential absorption of Mexican states and American action to enforce cultural change. He wrote, of course, before the Afghanistan fiasco had fully enfolded.
Mexico is a much older polity than America and a sovereign state. It is not America’s place to undertake a (hopeless) effort to change her.
What America needs is a tightly closed border and another Operation Wetback.