
Israelis Act On Blocking Funds Transfers By Illegal Immigrants

By Patrick Cleburne


Israeli park

Just like Home: Refugees in Tel Aviv’s Levinsky Park

As Steve Sailer has wisely said

Generally speaking, much can be learned from Israel about how an intelligent people govern themselves

Arutz Sheva reports Infiltrators Can’t Send Funds Abroad By Gil Ronen 7/22/2012

The Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved on Sunday a bill that would impose a jail sentence or fine on illegal aliens who send money abroad.

The bill will come up for its initial reading in the Knesset Monday and is expected to pass…

According to the new law, transfer of funds abroad by an illegal alien will be punishable by six months in jail or a fine of NIS 29,200. A person convicted of assisting an infiltrator to transfer funds will face up to 12 months in jail — twice the sentence facing the infiltrator himself.

The stricter punishment for those assisting in the transfer is meant for dealing with the people creating the infrastructure for the money transfers.

I noted this earlier in Israel To Block Illegal Immigrant Remittances: Why Doesn’t America? on July 10th. The Israelis waste no time!

They are also setting another good example for America: Knesset bill would deny migrants right to appeal deportation by Tomer Zarchin Haaretz Jul 23, 2012

Migrants who are denied residency in Israel would be forced to leave the country before appealing the government’s decision to deport them, according to an Interior Ministry-sponsored bill put out yesterday.

In an explanatory note, the ministry acknowledged it was seeking to reduce the number of appeals… "In this way, it is possible that most of the appeals will become superfluous and we will save ourselves unnecessary legal proceedings."

I can only repeat: U.S. Amnesties Illegals, Israel Deports. Why The Difference?

And ask again: Where is the GOP?

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