Jared Taylor On Jefferson And Sally Hemings — Highly Unlikely (But YouTube Doesn’t Want You To Know)
Jared Taylor has a YouTube Video on the controversy over whether Thomas Jefferson ever slept with a slave named Sally Hemings, who worked in his household.
UPDATE 2021: Replaced YouTube with BitChute, as Jared was banned from YouTube.
Jared rates this as highly unlikely. In the late '90s, Nature magazine published a report on Jefferson family DNA in Sally Hemings descendants under the headline Jefferson fathered slave’s last child [Nature 396, 27-28 (5 November 1998)], which they had to walk back somewhat.[Certainty of Jefferson-Hemings Affair Is Overstated, Critics Say, By Leef Smith, Washington Post, January 6, 1999]
The late Sam Francis did two articles on this
- Abolishing America (contd.): The Jefferson AntiMyth Debunked
- Liberating America (contd.): Truth Wins In Jefferson-Hemings Controversy
That was in 2001/20002 but people are still believing — it’s part of the impetus for the destruction of Thomas Jefferson statues.
And speaking of purges, this is what YouTube is now doing to some of Jared’s videos — which is why we need to promote them.