RRW’s Amazing Ann Corcoran: "Trump Must Suspend Refugee Program For FY18"
I’m reposting Refugee Resettlement Watch’s amazing Ann Corcoran’s August 26 blog on the looming Executive Branch decision to set next year’s refugee ceiling, something that is entirely within the President’s power. Of course it should be set at ZERO, not merely because that would end a significant inflow of immigrants, all immediately welfare-eligible, but because it would also defund a corrupt Leftist subculture — the so-called "contractors" Ann lists at the end of this blog, all of whom are essentially funded by the American taxpayer. Of course the kvetching would be deafening.
Trump must suspend refugee program for FY18
If you are getting tired of hearing me on this subject, be prepared for more weariness because I plan to talk about it until that date in about mid-September when the President sends his State Department-crafted fiscal year “determination” to the Hill for “consultation” with Congress.This year is a bit different, however, because the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is under review at the Supreme Court and they surely won’t be reviewing and deciding by the first of October when the new batch of refugees would begin to arrive. The Court’s first day is October 2.
Trump would have every legal right to simply suspend or hold off sending any “determination” in advance of the Court ruling.
Indeed he could send a determination of zero (or some tiny number for extreme cases).
We know that at this minute, the US State Department is preparing its report (here is last year’s report) that accompanies the “determination” of how many refugees America will ‘welcome’ in the form of a CEILING (not a goal, just a number that can’t be exceeded, excepting they have exceeded it this year).
That “determination” is made in conjunction with the refugee contractors*** which have gathered their “abstracts”from towns and cities, large and small, across America. The “abstract” is a secret document where the subcontractor tells Washington how many refugees they can handle (and how many “services” your town can provide).
By the way, in years past, the US State Department took public testimony in preparation for writing the “determination.” Although it was an insincere effort, there wasn’t even any effort in Trump’s Dept. of State to find out what citizens’ think.
Readers ask me all the time: Tell me what I can do!
You must #1: Tell President Donald Trump to suspend the FY18 Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).#2: Tell every one of your elected Washington Representatives (Congressman and two Senators) to not fund any Refugee Admissions Program for FY18.
#3: This is new! If you belong to any national Immigration restriction group — like the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and/or NumbersUSA — tell them to urge the suspension of the USRAP until the Supreme Court hears and rules on the case, but most importantly until the program is completely overhauled by Congress.
Endnote: It is looking pretty bleak for us in the White House these days with anyone who understands the threat being pushed out or fired (Gorka just yesterday, see here), so for me, what Trump does in September about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is THE barometer I’ll be using to judge this Presidency.
Trump made promises during the campaign and I and many others believed him.
Reining-in immigration (and getting us out of Middle Eastern wars!) were of paramount concern to me — the deal breakers!
*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again! Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor. It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)