Judd Blevins Ousted From Enid, OK City Council By Cuckservative/Leftist Coalition — But Should Run Again
Charlottesville attendee Judd Blevins, who faced a special recall election in Enid, Oklahoma (population 50,499), where he was a city comissioner, after he was revealed to have been at Unite The Right, has lost his special election.
On Occidental Dissent, Hunter Wallace writes
I see a lot of people on Twitter are drawing the wrong conclusions from this
He quotes various stories from CNN, NPR, and the Enid News & Eagle and goes on:
How disqualifying is it in 2024 with the Republican base to have marched through Charlottesville with Neo-Nazis while carrying a tiki torch at the Unite the Right rally in 2017?
In 2023, Blevins was narrowly elected to the Enid City Commission by a margin of 36 votes. In 2024, he was ousted in this recall, but he won 561 votes in a higher turnout election. Sure, he lost because a squeamish faction of conservatives voted with Democrats, but he picked up another 139 voters.
40% of voters in this higher turnout election in his ward had no problem with him. These results are consistent with polls which show our views are significantly more accepted than in the past. Obviously, we haven’t won over everyone on the Right and particularly older voters who are scandalized by what they see on television, but rightwing politics is still trending in our direction.
Blevins should run again. Activists and highly educated voters have an advantage in special elections.
The point is that most people who aren’t extremely online don’t care that much, and that Blevins was done in by an alliance of the far Left and cuckservatives, which is the same thing that happened to Congressman Steve King.
Earlier Judd Blevins Coverage:
- Enid OK Councilor Judd Blevins: Communists Striking Back Against A Charlottesville Patriot
- Enid, OK City Council Tables Motion To Censure Judd Blevins For Merely Attending Unite The Right In 2017
- Enid, OK City Councilman Judd Blevins Threatened With Censure For Attending Unite the Right Protest In 2017