A few days ago, TV cable news was blaring the shocking story of a Texas mother who hanged herself and her children. There were helicopter shots of the trailer-park crime scene, as another reprehensible mom story began to take shape. You know the sort — monster mothers the press loves to hate, like Andrea Yates and Susan Smith.
But when the identity of the killer became known, the story was gone from the national media. Certainly the disappearing act was due to the diverse identity of the killer. The murder mom was an illegal immigrant, Gilberta Estrada, who made $900/month working at a fast-food restaurant and was raising four girls in a trailer. The 25-year-old Mexican national was just learning to drive and was separated from her abusive common-law husband Gregorio Frayre Rodriguez.
About a week after that, Estrada left Frayre and took her children to a shelter in Weatherford. Because workers could not speak Spanish, Estrada was sent the next day to a SafeHaven of Tarrant County shelter in Fort Worth, about 25 miles east.Estrada said she stayed in the abusive relationship because she had been too afraid to call police, fearing she might be deported because she had entered the country illegally, Haro said. Estrada said in court documents that Frayre also was the father of 3-year-old Yaneth "Janet" Frayre and 21-month-old Magaly Frayre. [Texas Mom Who Hanged Kids, Self Wanted Better Life For Daughters, Fox News 5/31/07]
It was the same media decision with another killer mother last fall: Media Miss Mass-Murdering Mexican Mom. Interestingly, Angelica Alvarez was ruled too mentally incompetent to stand trial a couple weeks ago for killing her four children. So Indiana taxpayers will be stuck with the care and feeding of one more illegal alien felon.
If the TB miscreant had been diverse instead of a clean-cut American lawyer, that story would likely have been similarly buried.
Of course, the crime itself was a horrendous one, in which innocent children were murdered by a depressed Mexican woman. The three older girls were killed, although the 8-month-old baby survived being hanged with no apparent brain damage. As I analyzed in Diversity Is … Familicide, the associated stresses of immigration and child-rearing end up in violent tragedy more times than the media care to notice. The strains of poverty appear to have played a large part in this case.
If the President’s reprehensible amnesty bill is signed into law, the enlarged permanent Mexican underclass will spawn a lot more human tragedies like this one.