[See also: Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also … Immigrant Mass Murder Syndrome, by Brenda Walker]
I pity the poor immigrant
Who wishes he would've stayed home,
Who uses all his power to do evil
But in the end is always left so alone. — Bob Dylan
For some curious reason, immigrants of all stripes are lauded by America’s elite for their exemplary family values. But huddling in high-density hovels should not be mistaken for loving relationships or psychologically healthy lifestyles. There is plenty of dysfunction in those communities of diversitude, from continuing high levels of Hispanic teen and unmarried pregnancy to numerous cases of familial mass murder. Intrafamily killing deserves our attention, because it reveals the underside of immigrant communities in a way that little else can.
When an American mother like Andrea Yates or Susan Smith kills her children, the news coverage is plentiful and angry. But when a dim immigrant mom murders her kids, no one in the media seems to care.
Why is that? The dead children of foreigners are just as innocent as American youngsters.
Apparently the big brains in the editorial offices become squeamish when the sordid details of immigrant life don’t conform to the happy-face template — diverse Horatio Algers making their way up the sparkly ladder of success.
The only time the press admits dysfunction among the diverse is when some ethnic group is demanding a new handout from the taxpayer for an expensive fix. For example, I've reported on the importation of foreign misogyny to these shores from various backward countries. You don’t see a lot about that in the news. What you see is reports that "comprehensive multilingual services " are being provided to "immigrant women" and that this requires "funding."
Achieving the American Dream is alive and well on paper — but less so in real life.
Following is an incomplete but representative list of unhappy immigrant parents who have murdered their children.
by two fathers last November in Elkhart Indiana. An illegal alien, she had lived in the US for five years but didn’t speak any English, according to an American neighbor even though Alvarez attended an ESL class. She had recently lost her job, which left her depressed. She called each child to the basement, where she asphyxiated them one by one.
Keep in mind that Bantus are the despised of Somalia, one of the most primitive and chaotic societies on earth, "a country without government or law" according to the LA Times, and where slavery ended only in the 1930s. At the burial of the Biyad children, women stood separate from the male mourners, as is the custom. [All About America in 3 Days |Dogs are treated like people, money flows and life is easy. Or is it? By Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times, September 12, 2006]
USA Today declared that Bantus are "not latter day cavemen" and then built a convincing case that they are:
"Resettlement counselors who work with Bantus say many had never flushed a toilet, flicked a light switch, watched a TV, talked on a telephone, cooked on a stove, ridden in a car, held a pen, used a fork, seen a two-story building or written or read their own language. In Kenya, some Bantus had gotten stuck in a room at an orientation session because they didn’t know how to turn the doorknob. Others asked whether they had to go with their luggage as it passed through the airport X-ray machine." [ After 3 years, Somalis struggle to adjust to U.S. By Rick Hampson, USA Today, March 21, 2006]
Is it reasonable to think that persons from such cultures can ever adjust to modern societies? Many refugees from primitive tribal cultures will never be self-supporting in their lifetimes. At best, it is misguided benevolence to bring them here. At worst, it is a crass money-making enterprise for Catholic Charities and other "resettlement" agencies of the Refugee Industrial Complex.
Hmong are a rudimentary agricultural people. Their written language was devised only in 1953. One shocking statistic from the 2000 Census is that "Over half of Hmong-American women … have had no formal education at all." The same report found that Hmong living in the US "had the lowest average per-person income of any ethnic group described by the 2000 Census: $6,613." But Hmong refugees often continue to have enormous families in this country, sometimes polygamous ones.
At the time of his murder rampage, Soltys was unemployed and living on welfare. He had hoped to open an auto repair shop or become a paramedic but his failure to learn English made any career advancement impossible.
Because of the high-profile search for a dangerous and unpredictable mass murderer, the MSM paid attention. And when one listened carefully, there was mention that 75,000 Russians and Ukrainians were living in the Sacramento area.
Who knew?
In addition, it was noted that Soltys had a record of domestic violence in Ukraine and was too mentally unstable to enter the military there. But no one with a byline asked how such an undesirable character could be admitted to the U.S.
Deysi Benitez was born in a mountain village of El Salvador. She "was pregnant at 15, had only a third-grade education and could barely read Spanish, let alone English," according to the Associated Press ["Missing mother of dead kids lacked the skills to build her dream" AP, March 31, 2007]
Passionately wanting the American Dream of a middle class life doesn’t mean that everyone can achieve it. Skills and knowledge become more necessary to making money. A century ago, an immigrant could more easily get an unskilled job that would support a family. In today’s global exploitation economy, a foreign family has to work several jobs just to survive. Any bump along the road, be it financial pressures or an emotional explosion, can precipitate violence from accumulated stress.
We see the sociological blowback in the huge gang problem among immigrants. In fact, if you wanted to create gangs, you would welcome families whose cultural backgrounds make them totally unprepared to deal with a society where a high degree of literacy is required. The parents struggle with survival issues of learning the language and earning enough money. The kids struggle with school, where they try to fit in but are torn by being neither fish nor fowl. The 1.5 generation lives in a cultural no-man’s land, where they receive mixed messages about whether to identify with their ethnicity or to their family’s new home. Gangs, even violent ones, provide a community of shared outlook and experiences.
It is cruel, not to mention foolish public policy, to welcome millions of uneducated people from the Third World who are unprepared for life in a complex technological society. It is hard to live in a strange country where you don’t speak the language and live in a limited cocoon with others of your tribe, alienated from the mainstream community. Multicultural cheerleaders like to downplay how difficult immigration can be under the best of circumstances. But many immigrant crimes have some basis in the interior culture clash and the ongoing stress of social maladjustment.
Less cheerleading for the multicultural delusion and more honesty from the MSM about diversity’s downside would be welcome. Less sentimental, more honest reporting about the real immigrant experience might even save some lives down the road.
Brenda Walker (email her) lives in Northern California and publishes two websites,
LimitsToGrowth.org and ImmigrationsHumanCost.org. Recent events have convinced her that the Second Amendment should apply to citizens only.