Media Celebrate Obama’s 10,000-Refugee Target Being Reached

By Brenda Walker


The White House is thrilled that it managed to speed-dump 10,000 Syrian refugees into America’s cities and towns, even though FBI Director Comey warned in Congressional testimony last fall that they could not be screened because the US government has “no record of them.”

For a media celebration of Obama’s goal being reached, the Associated Press focused on a rather sketchy family from Homs. The father, Nadim Fawzi Jouriyeh, says he is 49 but looks a lot older, and is characterized as a construction worker having heart ailments — so it sounds like the whole bunch of six will go straight to the welfare office.

At some point, San Diego got the rep as being a soft touch for refugee resettlement, so the extreme diversity pile-on continues. The local Union-Tribune reported last October: County tops in refugee resettlement, referring to the fact that San Diego County has taken the most refugees in the state over the last seven years. The county accepts around 3,000 refugees annually, including persons from the Congo, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Burundi, Burma, and Columbia.

Unfortunately, extreme diversity has not worked out that well in the county. The local immigrants were stirred into rage a few years ago when Shaima Alawadi was found dead in her El Cajon home with a note nearby telling the Iraqi refugee to go home. Lefty propagandist Salon wrote five articles railing against American haters and CAIR waved the Islamophobia flag as well, resulting in a lot of bad feeling.

In fact, the murder was a hate-crime hoax created by her husband to cover up his crime. But apologies from the diversity mongers for stirring up various immigrant groups were nil.

Anyway, San Diego is getting still more diversity, and plenty of it.

Oh, and how many Christians are included in the 10,000 horde? you may ask. Even though Syrian Christians face genocide in the Middle East, Obama has focused on importing thousands of unscreenable Muslims into America, despite the obvious danger to this nation and the tribe’s disturbing unwillingness to assimilate in general.

When the total number of Syrians had reached 9,144 a few days ago, only 47 (0.5 percent) were Christian. Regarding the whole refugee cohort for this fiscal year, Muslims outnumber Christians for the first time in a decade: of the total 66,480 refugees, 30,543 (45.94 percent) were Muslims and 28,973 (43.58 percent) were Christians.

As Daniel Greenfield wrote recently, “If you are a member of ISIS, you have a better chance of reaching America than your Yazidi sex slave.”

Does Obama hate Americans? He sure acts like it. A president who cared about the safety of this country would end Muslim immigration entirely.

The long road from Homs to San Diego: Syrian refugee family ‘filled with fear and joy’ embark on 7,000mile trip as part of resettlement plan for 10,000 immigrants, Daily Mail (UK), August 28, 2016

Nadim Fawzi Jouriyeh is a 49-year-old construction worker with heart ailments and four children to look after.

As if that wasn’t difficult enough, he and his family were enmeshed in the destructive civil war that has left Syria in ruins and killed hundreds of thousands of their countrymen and women.

Now, they are getting a new lease on life.

The Jouriyehs are among the 10,000 refugees fleeing the smoldering Middle Eastern nation and resettling in the United States.

Forced to leave their hometown of Homs, Syria’s third largest city and one which has been placed under siege for months, the Jouriyeh family made their way to Jordan.

On Monday, they will board a plane in Amman bound for the United States, as will hundreds of other Syrians who will round out the target of 10,000 refugees who will be resettled in the country.

When asked by The Associated Press about his sentiments just before beginning a new life in San Diego, Jouriyeh said he is filled with ‘fear and joy, fear of the unknown and our new lives, but great joy for our children’s lives and future.’

The resettlement program focuses on the most vulnerable refugees, including those who were subjected to violence or torture or are sick.

Close to 5 million Syrians have fled civil war since 2011. Most struggle to survive in tough conditions in neighboring countries, including Jordan, which hosts close to 660,000 Syrian refugees.

The intake of refugees from Syria has emerged as a hot-button issue during the US presidential campaign.

Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has said that an anticipated flood of Syrian refugees admitted to the US by the Obama administration will bring with them a new wave of terror attacks unleashed by Islamist groups.

‘Bad things will happen. A lot of bad things will happen. There will be attacks that you wouldn’t believe, the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting said on a podcast hosted by the National Border Patrol Council.

There will be attacks by the people that are right now coming into our country, because — I have no doubt in my mind,’ Trump predicted.

The Obama administration has committed that by the end of September it will resettle 10,000 Syrians in the United States following a lengthy vetting process overseen by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

That number will likely expand in 2017 unless Trump were to move into the Oval Office.

The administration, for its part, scoffs at the notion that its policy will put the country in danger.

Obama’s top diplomat in Amman said this week that her country is fulfilling a longstanding tradition in opening its doors to the world’s downtrodden.

‘Refugees are the most thoroughly screened category of travelers to the United States, and Syrian refugees are subject to even greater scrutiny,’ said Alice Wells, the American ambassador to Jordan.

Wells said the US has taken in more refugees from around the world over the years than all other nations combined.

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