$PLC, GUARDIAN, Say Racial Politics May Be TRUMP’s Legacy — What About Obama And His Riots?
Today’s @Hatewatch Headlines: Racial politics may be Trump’s legacy; Congressman deluged with hate calls; and more. https://t.co/g1fs4fuMRw
— Southern Poverty Law Center (@splcenter) August 29, 2016
I saw this Tweet from the SPLC (which we here at VDARE.com call the $PLC, they earn a LOT of money by crying "racism") and I thought "Trump’s legacy? What cities did his followers burn down?" Clicking through to the SPLC’s HateWatch page, I see that they write:
The Guardian: Donald Trump’s legacy threatens to be the return of race politics to America’s mainstream.
Right, and Obama never did any "race politics"? Bill and Hillary never did any "race politics"? But here’s the story, and you'll soon see what they're getting at:
The hate that dared not speak its name was in fine voice this week. In a grand Washington townhouse behind the supreme court, the air was thick with talk of what Donald Trump would do for white Americans.“Everyone says we’re a nation of immigrants but we’re not,” said one man, proudly sporting a Trump T-shirt. “We’re a nation of northern European immigrants. We shouldn’t have to pay more just to live among our own demographic.”
“Absolutely,” agreed the woman next him. “My family go back to the 1680s.”
The party, thrown by Breitbart News, former employer of Trump’s new campaign chief Steve Bannon, was given a further veneer of respectability by an author signing a table full of hardbacks with Latin in the title. Ann Coulter’s new book, In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!, echoed the racially triumphant mood.
“The same way virtually any immigrant to Finland makes it less white, almost any immigrant to America makes it less honest,” Coulter writes in her 182-page hagiography. “There’s nothing Trump can do that won’t be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies.”
Donald Trump’s legacy threatens to be return of race politics to the mainstream
Despite the Republican nominee’s apparent flip-flopping on his signature immigration issue, those on the alt-right have been emboldened by his candidacy
By Dan Roberts, August 27, 2016
Aha! They mean white racial politics. That’s different. All kinds of other people have racial politics (Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Jeb and George P. Bush, Luis Gutierrez, Raul Grijalva, et cetera) but whites, who are still the majority in America, if they have racial politics, it’s a catastrophe!